ISRT with two co-organizers successfully organized an international symposium iADORE2020 during December 7-8, 2020

The Institute of Statistical Research and Training (ISRT), jointly with the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Andalas University, Indonesia, successfully finished the International Symposium on Advanced Statistical Data Analysis and Operational Research 2020 (iADORE2020) during 7-8 December 2020 ( This was an international symposium that focussed on applications relating to areas of statistics and operation research. The symposium included six keynote speakers’ sessions, two showcase skills sessions, a special session and a contributed paper session. Professor Dr. M. Shafiqur Rahman and Dr. Md Hasinur Rahaman Khan gave two keynote talks from ISRT. Mr. Nabil Awan of ISRT gave a talk on the RShiny app in the skills showcase session. Total 188 participants from the three organizing universities enthusiastically attended the sessions. A significant number of students and faculty members (44) from ISRT joined the symposium. This was the first symposium in the history of ISRT which was jointly organized with overseas institutions and completely conducted with a digital platform in line with the social distancing norms due to Covid-19 pandemic. Organizing sub-committee from ISRT (Dr. Md Hasinur Rahaman Khan, Dr. M Iftakhar Alam and Dr. Anower Hossain) on behalf of ISRT extends its sincere thanks to all the committee members from three countries for organizing this symposium and ensuring that it proceeded smoothly.

ISRT wishes to conduct many such programs in collaboration with the international universities in the future.